What Restrictions Are There On Home Renovation During The Pandemic In Massachusetts? 

There’s nothing like extended periods of time spent indoors at home to focus the mind on all the sorts of things that you could do to make your home more functional or attractive. 

When the Covid-19 pandemic first took hold across the Northeast, Massachusetts and Boston, in particular, were hard hit. Millions of people were affected by restrictions on movement, social distancing, stay at home orders and a focus on personal cleanliness. April and May saw many state residents spending far longer cooped up at home than normal. While most people saw this period as a necessary but frustrating experience it did mean plenty of time to think about possibilities for home renovation.

The irony was that just when many people actually had the time to think, plan and actually do home renovation jobs themselves, restrictions and material shortages  meant that serious renovation projects were either difficult or impossible.

So, what’s changed?


Massachusetts was one of the early coronavirus hotspots that came out of the early surge reasonably well. The state mandated restrictions and general willingness to cooperate with the restrictions brought the daily infection rate right down. As life reverted to a newer normal in June, all those home renovation plans became just that more feasible. 

Unfortunately, the virus didn’t disappear. Its retreat over summer is now over and the disease is reverting to a new onslaught with fall. Winter is fast approaching and that means colder weather and more time for everyone inside. At the time of writing, infection rates are increasing and, with that, more deaths. Massachusetts is not immune (literally!) from what is happening elsewhere in the U.S. Although the vaccine rollout is under way, the general prognosis is that things are going to get worse before they get better. 

How does that affect what sort of home renovation you can now do?

Restrictions on home renovation are currently near normal, but this could change quickly if the infection rate continues to escalate in the state. The Governor, Charlie Baker, is not keen on a new lockdown, but may still have to bring in tougher restrictions if the situation worsens. Nothing stops you planning of course. You should contact an architect if you are thinking about serious renovations, and you may wish to arrange an architect’s site visit before any further restrictions come into force. You can also schedule online sessions with the architect using Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Precautions if you are planning on renovation work done now


At the moment, there are no restrictions on tradesmen or contractors carrying out work in someone else’s home. Even at the height of Massachusetts’s stay at home order earlier in the year, renovation work by tradesmen wasn’t prohibited. The restrictions that you should be aware of are basic common sense, however. Masks, gloves and distancing should be the norm for crafts people working in your home. It’s unlikely that this will change in the near future.

If you need to invite folks into your home to do work for you, you should think carefully before you make that decision. Over 12,000 people have died in the state from Covid-19. If you are elderly, immune deficient, or are more susceptible to adverse effects of the disease, it may be sensible to put off any serious home renovations until next year, when a vaccine will make close contact safer. 

Obviously, if you have an emergency home repair needed, you won’t have any choice.

It’s an ideal time to discuss your plans with an architect and you can do this remotely

If you are still at the dreaming or planning stage, and are thinking about serious structural changes to your home, you should consult with an architect to come up with a design before you get anywhere near the construction stage. This is an ideal time to discuss possibilities with an architect and you have the option of doing this remotely in the time of COVID. Then, when things get back to normal, you will be able to get straight into the actual physical construction of your dream renovation project.

About Us: Harrison Mulhern is a five person architectural design firm specializing in residential and commercial projects with focus on innovative solutions and breathtaking results. Contact us today for a free consultation on your project.

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